Excellence with Cost Effective Results


Mr. Roberts is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law. His practice focuses on estate planning (gift and estate tax issues, trusts, wills, family limited partnerships and business succession strategies), income tax issues ancillary to those fields (compensation and retirement planning, 1031 exchanges, and trust, partnership and corporate tax matters), and state law issues related to those areas of planning. He handles estates of all sizes – from simple estates, to very sophisticated and complicated matters involving family business of all sizes and substantial wealth. In doing so, he has become very familiar with business entity creation, including corporations, limited liability companies and partnerships, and the impact those types of entities have on both estate and gift tax strategies as well as on income tax planning.

Mr. Roberts is licensed in Texas and Colorado. He also frequently assists attorneys in other states in federal estate and gift tax planning. He is a frequent speaker on a number of subjects related to estate planning and tax issues.



Estate Planning and Individual Wealth Management

Tax Law



Author of several papers, including “Changes in the Tax Treatment of Installment Sales;” a portion of a multi-volume research, the Texas Tax Guide, 2nd, originally published by Matthew Bender; an article titled "Family Limited Partnerships in Estate Planning”, 22 Headnotes 7; and others.

Spoke and taught at several venues, including the American Bar Association’s 2009 Spring Symposium in Washington DC, on “Pending Legislation to Change Federal Transfer Taxes”, and the 2007 Spring Symposium on "Changes to Section 2053 Regulations", the SMU Cox Graduate School of Business on various topics; Mid-Cities Society of CPAs “Changes in the Tax Law"; Dallas Chapter of CLU and ChFC “Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997”; Aetna Investments Annual Meeting “Impact of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997”; University of Texas at Arlington CPA Conference "Choice of Entity”. More recently, he has spoken at institutes in 2001, 2002 and 2003 sponsored by the National Business Institute on such subjects as “Basics of the Transfer (Estate and Gift) Tax”, “The Function of a Living Trust”, “What’s New and What’s Left in Sophisticated Estate Planning", “Estate Planning for the Owners of Closely Held Corporations, Partnership and LLCs”, “Comparison of LLCs and Family Limited Partnerships”, “Income Taxation of Family Limited Partnerships and LLCs", “Drafting of FLPs and LLCs”, “Tax Advantages and Considerations in LLCs”, and “Compliance with State Law on LLCs”.

Spoke at the following seminars and events dealing with family limited partnerships: 16th National Conference on Family Limited Partnerships, Dallas, Texas, “Defending the Family Limited Partnership"; Losch Financial Forum, Boca Raton, Florida, “Basic Family Limited Partnership Planning”; Florida Society of Accounting and Tax Professionals, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, “Tax Aspects of and Accounting for Family Limited Partnerships”; New York Conference of Limited Partnerships, “Basic FLP Planning”; Wakefield, Browning & McCobb Conference on Family Limited Partnerships, Portland, Oregon, “Family Limited Partnerships”; New Jersey Conference on Family Limited Partnerships, “Basic Limited Partnership Planning and Estate Taxation Issues”; Tarrytown (NY) Planning Conference, “Limited Partnerships in the Family Setting”; Fort Worth Business Owners Association keynote speaker on “Income Tax Savings in FLPs”; North American Company for Life and Health Insurance Family Limited Partnership Conference Series: Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Dayton: “Basic Family Limited Partnership Planning with 419A Welfare Benefit Trusts”; Melville NY Conference on Family Limited Partnerships, “FLPs Today”; Conference Chairman, National Meeting of the Fortress Group, and speaker on “Mechanics of Setting Up an FLP”; Tax & Investment Conference, Oak Brook (Chicago), Illinois, “The FLP as a Tool for Asset Protection and Estate Planning”; Secura Investments Conference, Appleton, Wisconsin, “Training the Client on FLP Benefits and Procedures"; Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants, "Limited Partnership Planning for Estate Taxation”; Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Estate Planning Group, "FLPs in a Nutshell”; Milwaukee Planning Symposium, “Family Limited Partnerships’ Income Tax Advantages“; and Marquette (Michigan) Society of CPAs, “Welfare Benefit Trusts Inside Family Limited Partnerships”.



The University of Texas at Austin (B.A. 1972)

The University of Texas School of Law (J.D. 1975)



American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, Fellow, American Bar Association (Member of the ABA Real Property, Probate and Trust Section), Vice Chair of the Estate & Gift Tax Committee (2007-present), member of the standing Committee on Continuing Legal Education (2008-present) and Assistant Editor for e-Report (2008-present) and frequent contributor; and also Member of the ABA Tax Section)

State Bar of Texas (Member of the Tax Section, Texas Academy of Real Estate and Trust Lawyers, Chair of its Estate & Gift Tax Committee (2008-2009), former Vice Chair of the Estate & Gift Tax Committee(2007-2008), former Assistant Editor of The Texas Tax Lawyer and Vice-chair of The Publications Committee (2006-2007); and also Member of State Bar’s Real Estate Probate & Trust Law Section)

Dallas Bar Association (Member of the Tax Section, its Vice-Chair (2010-present), on its governing Council (2008-present), and former Secretary/Treasurer (2009-2010)).


E: jvroberts@gpm-law.com

T: 972-419-7189

F: 972-419-8329


Glast Phillips Murray Zopolsky

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